Which Type of Functional Appliance Should We Use?
by Johal Ama
This presentation will present the findings of a randomized clinical trial and Qualitative study comparing the use of fixed [Hanks-Herbst] and removable [Twin Block] functional appliances. The research presents a unique perspective of both clinician-centred and patient-centred outcome measures. In a further attempt to better understand our patient's experience with both the removable and fixed fuctional appliances, in-depth one-one semi-structured interviews, involving a purposive homogeneous sampling technique, was applied. The RCT findings report on the effectiveness of the appliances in reducing the overjet, their timings and the skeletal and dental effects. A range of validated patient questionnaire findings are also reported alongside the complications. The qualitative study outcomes are based on interviews of patients using each type of functional appliance and a failed twin block group treated with the fixed functional. The findings will offer clinician's a real perspective of how our patient's tolerate these appliances and importantly their preferences, as well presenting the results of their clinical effectiveness.
Learning Objectives
After this lecture, you will be able to understand the effectiveness of the Hanks-Herbst versus the Twin Block Functional appliance
After this lecture, you will be able to describe the patient experiences and preference in terms of using Hanks-Herbst versus the Twin Block Functional appliance
After this lecture, you will be able to provide better informed consent for their adolescent patients undergoing functional appliance treatment