Long- Term Stability and Alexander Discipline - What Do we Know?
by Perkovic Vjera
Good long- term stability after orthodontic treatment has always been seen as a sign of great efficiency of orthodontic treatment. Therefore, orthodontists should always treat a patient with long- term stability as a treatment goal. Is it possible to have long- term stability without retention? This lecture will give an insight on how to achieve long- term stability after orthodontic treatment based on Alexander Discipline principles. It will give an overview of factors that can be and should be incorporated in our orthodontic treatment with Alexander Discipline techinque, especially when we aim for long- term stability of our results. We will discuss some guidelines for long- term stability: diagnostic parameters that help us make treatment decisions as well as biomechanical techniques during orthodontic treatment, and some special considerations that have an affect on stability of orthodontic treatment. Additionally, this lecture will give an overview of scientific research that support these guidelines.
Learning Objectives
After this lecture, you will be able to evaluate diagnostic records for long- term stability.
After this lecture, you will be able to incorporate biomechanical techniques that will help achieve long-term stability.
After this lecture, you will be able to recognize special considerations that can have an influence on long- term stability.