Galluccio Gabriella

Gabriella Galluccio graduated in Dentistry cum laude from Sapienza University of Rome and in the same University, she received her specialization in Orthodontics cum laude. She is currently Associate Professor of Orthodontics and Clinical Gnathology and serves as Chair of the Degree Course in Dentistry at Sapienza University of Rome. Director of the Training Course in Biomechanics in Orthodontics. Medical activity in the UOC of Orthodontics - Department of Odontostomatological and Maxillofacial Sciences - AOU Policlinico Umberto I - Rome, responsible for the Functions of High Specialization in Pre-surgical Orthodontics and Maxillofacial Malformations. Active SIDO member, of which she was a reviewer in 2014-2015; AAO international member, WFO member. Main fields of interest and research: Cranio-mandibular dysfunction in growing subjects; Diagnosis and treatment of impacted teeth; Dental movement analysis through digital arch monitoring and Digital orthodontic/surgical treatment.