Sabatini Silvia
Bachelor’s degree with honours in Dental Hygiene (2009).
Master’s degree with honours in Health Professions of Technical Sciences (assistential)
(2012). 1st-level master’s degree in Advanced Dental Hygiene Technologies (2010).
Advanced Training Course in Lifestyle Medicine (2016).
Postgraduate degrees at: UCL Eastman Dental Institute (London, UK, 2007), New York State
University (Buffalo, USA, 2012), Harvard Medical School (Boston, USA, 2015) and King’s
College London (London, UK, 2016).
Scholarship awarded by the Department of Odontostomatological and Maxillofacial Sciences
of the Sapienza University of Rome (2015).
Scholarship awarded by the Department of Odontostomatological and Maxillofacial Sciences
of the Sapienza University of Rome (2016).
Coswell Prize for Research (2016).
Scholarship awarded by the Department of Odontostomatological and Maxillofacial Sciences
of the Sapienza University of Rome (2018).