Class II: Proposal for a Method for Aesthetically Evident Correction in Growing Patients
by Manni Antonio and Cozzani Mauro
Skeletal Class II correction involves mandibular advancement in 90% of cases; an aesthetically perceptible advancement requires that the Pog to advance at least 4 mm. Among the limitations of traditional therapies, two in particular prevent aesthetically satisfactory resolution: - mandibular advancement, which on average does not exceed 2 mm; - the opening of the nasolabial angle, even when aesthetic evaluation does not require it. The introduction of a specific skeletal anchorage in the lower arch (Skeletal Terapy Manni Telescopic Herbst STM2) and, when necessary, in the upper arch (Skeletal Terapy Manni Telescopic Herbst STM4) and/or the extraction of two lower premolars can modify our ability to correct this malocclusion. These techniques, by controlling tooth movement also have the advantage of not interfering with a subsequent mandibular surgical correction if the desired results are not achieved.
Learning Objectives
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After this lecture, you will be able to .
After this lecture, you will be able to .